Wednesday, 26 January 2011

speak spoke spoken

change the meaning of words, it is depending on space, time, tone of voice, whether spoken or written ...

therefore it is important to know the history ofmaterial culture to understand the true sense.

mudar o significado das palavras dependendo do espaço, tempo, tom de voz, seja falado ou escrito ...

por isso é importante conhecer a história da cultura material para compreender seu verdadeiro significado.

english etymology of the words

early 15c., from M.L. transparentem (nom. transparens), prp. of transparere "show light through," from L. trans- "through" (see trans-) + parere "come in sight, appear." Figurative sense of "easily seen through" is first attested 1590s. The attempt to back-form a verb transpare (c.1600) died with the 17c.

early 15c., opake, from L. opacus "shaded, shady, dark," of unknown origin. Spelling influenced after c.1650 by Fr. opaque(c.1500), from the Latin.

you are not invisible!

壁に耳あり、障子に目あ り
kabe ni mimi ari shouji ni me ari -

the walls have ears, the paper doors have eyes

conceptual map